Persönlicher Ionen-Luftreiniger Max

Mittels der Ionen-Technologie reduzieren Sie Schadstoffe wie Stäube, Keime, Rauch, Pollen und Partikel der Klasse PM2,5

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Bakterien und Keime bekämpfen

Sie brauchen nie wieder häufig berührte Oberflächen wie Türgriffe, Scharniere, Schalter und Tastaturen anfassen. So reduzieren Sie die Wahrscheinlichkeit, durch eine eventuelle Keim- oder Bakterienkontamination zu erkranken.

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Tragbarer UV-C Hygienestab

Nun können Sie gefährliche Keime und geruchsbildende Bakterien loswerden, OHNE gesundheitsschädigenden und rückstandsbildenden Chemikalien ausgesetzt zu sein.

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“Living in a crowded urban area, my respiratory system reacts to exhausts from traffic, which makes me cough quite a bit. With the portable Personal Ionic Air Purifier Max, I feel that I am able to keep pollutants away and be outdoors without having to worry about my health like before.”

Karen T.

“With the brand new UV CARE Deluxe Germ Terminator, I don’t have to worry about my lovely golden retriever taking in harmful chemicals from everyday cleaning products such as bleach.”

Tina F.

“I used to have terrible hay fever, especially before I go to bed. It led to an insomnia that affected my work. After using the Personal Ionic Air Purifier Max before and during sleep, my allergic reactions have subsided and I can now dream till the sun comes up.”

Jonathan L.

“The versatility, portability, and compact size factor of the UV CARE Deluxe Germ Terminator suits my everyday needs as I used to struggle to clean nooks in crannies in my car and in cabinets in my apartment. This products makes killing bacteria easy.”

Logan M.

“As a housewife and a mom, the UV CARE Deluxe Germ Terminator helps safeguard my infant and my family’s health with a single press of a button. It makes my life SO MUCH easier.”

Fiona C